(English) A french TV crew breaks into a taiwanese family in Taipei for a real tv programme during a weekend. After a short thought and seducing by the possible winnings, Lin’s family accepts to be followed by the cameraman Pierre for two days. Little by little, Pierre’s camera has become a new way of communication in this family. Everyone delivers their way of life and thinking, and maybe a little secret...
(中文) 一個法國電視台的工作小組,在一個周六的清晨,闖入了林家公寓,為了拍攝台灣家庭生活的現況。在重金的誘惑下,林家三口就讓法國攝影師皮耶,在他們家待一個晚上。但是,在攝影機面前,現形的不只是林家的生活寫照,一個隱藏許久的秘密,在不知不覺間,也即將在攝影機前被挖掘而出。